What a week! (and not in a good way) Miss T had the chickenpox and just as she was getting over it Miss B came down with it too. She's been understandably utterly miserable and I've been up to my eyes in camomile cream and very unproductive. Anyway today is a new day, the sun is shining and the girls are finally both back at nursery.

I thought I would show you a photo of my kitchen table/desk/work area. A bit of creative chaos! You can see the cushions I made from vintage flags in the window seat.

On the table is.....a nearly finished pair of pink gloves for a special order. A lovely big corsage made from one of the skeins I recently bought from The Natural Dye Studio. One green spiral legging completed for Miss B (I've yet to start No.2) Then a pair of green gloves nearly finished (Have you noticed I'm in love with anything green at the moment!)

One last idea I'm working on is new cup warmers. As I mentioned my mother is a potter and I've asked her to make me a collection of simple handleless cups that I will make warmers for. In the meantime she's given me some other ones to work some ideas on. Isn't the sunshine glorious. More required please.......